Friday 22 July 2011

Earth's Core

Earth's outer surface or crust is made up of a number of segments or tectonic plates. These plates migrate over the surface, which is liquid outer and an inner core that is concentrated in iron content.covered by 71% water and 29% land. The earth's interior is The inner core is about 1,220 km in radius and primarily comprises of an iron-nickel alloy. Volcanic activity and seismic waves contribute to and arise persistently active and homes a layer of solid mantle, planet's mineral resources.
biosphere components and their interdependency and the presence of water are responsible for the survival of This is the reason behind the magnetic field generated around the planet.
The could build up to more than 300 forms. the inner core of the earth has a temperature that could rise beyond 6,000 K and the generated pressure from these extreme conditions.

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