The moon revolves around Earth in an elliptical orbit. The distance between the points. The distance between the moon and the Earth varies at the apogee and perigee. Earth and moon thus, farthest from the Earth, while the perigee is the closest distance. At the perigee, the total distance fluctuates or changes at certain The apogee is a position at which the moon is between the Earth and moon the distance increases up to is 363,300 km; while at the apogee 405,500 km.
The average distance from the Earth to the moon in km. is 384,400. This distance accounts for 30 times the Earth's diameter. It would take around 16 days to reach the moon from the Earth at a speed of 1000 km/hr. Passenger jets are capable of attaining this speedThe distance from the Earth to the Moon when they are at a nearest (perigee) point is 363,104,000 meters. At apogee, this distance increases up to 405,696,000 meters. The average distance is 384,400,000 meters.
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